Prepare for your examinations with a set of multiple choice questions (MCQs) related to Safety Workshop Practice for MECHANIC DIESEL Trade. The questions are likely designed to test a user’s knowledge or understanding of Mechanic Diesel concepts and may be useful for exam preparation or self-assessment. The website may be a helpful resource for individuals studying to become Mechanic Diesel or seeking to improve their understanding of Mechanic Diesel principles.
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Mechanic Diesel MISCELLANEOUS Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) Ask a bystander to help you to move the victimbharat skillbharat skillsbharat skills mcqbharat skills multiple choice questionbharat skills multiple choice question bankbharat skills multiple choice questionsbharat skills practice questionsbharat skills questionsBiological hazardBlow hot air to the burnt handbolts and nutsCarbon dioxideCarbon monoxideCarbon-dioxide fire extinguisherChemical hazardClass 'A' fireClass 'B' fireClass ‘C' fireClass ‘D' fireClass AClass BClass CClass Dcloth?Collect waste oil container and dispose to register vendorsCompressed airConservation of energycoolingCover all burns with a dry loose dressingCovered hot water to the burnt handCovering with waterCTC extinguisherCurrent leakageDecrease employee moraleDecreasing the qualitydegreeDehydrationDelhi Skill and Entrepreneurship UniversityDiarrhoeadieseldiesel mechanicdiplomaDry powder extinguisherDry powder fire extinguisherdseuelectricalelectrical engineeringelectrical tradeExplosiveExtra major energy conservation opportunitiesFitterfitter tradeFoam filled extinguisherGeneral safetyGogglesHalon extinguisherHand glovesHand over back to the customerHand screenHelmet screenHouse keepingHow the waste oil is disposed?How to treat burns and scalds?IncineratorsInfectionIt is an immediate life saving treatmentIt is the emergency medical treatmentIt is the intensive medical treatmentIt is the rule to assessing the treatmentKeep in small containers in remote cornersKnee of the human bodyLaps in house keepingLeather glovesLeg of the human bodyMachine safetyMajor energy conservation opportunitiesMake sure the power is turned offManipulation of energymechanicmechanic dieselMechanical hazardMedium energy conservation opportunitiesMinimising productivityMinor energy conservation opportunitiesMisfiringModification of energyNoiseOccupational safetyOld bearingsOld washerOxygenPaper glovesPaper wrappersPersonal safetyphysical hazardPlace the victim on one side with head downPolythene glovesPoor disciplineradiationReducing absenteeismRenovation of the old buildingReplacement machineriesReplacement of existing house hold appliancesReplacement of household applianceRise in blood pressureRubber glovesSicknessSmokingSmotheringStarvingStopping of leakageStopping of water leakageThigh of the human bodyThroat infectionThrow the removed oil in the drainUnguarded machineryUsed lubricantUtilisation of energyVacuum cleanerVery minor energy conservation opportunitiesVibrationWater extinguisherWater filled extinguisherWater vapourWater washWhat is first aid?What is the effect of air borne dust in workshop?What is the name of safety device?What type of energy reduce consumption by replacing old bulb with new LED?What type of safety covers the wearing of safety shoes in workshop?What will you do if an electric shock victim unable to release his grip from the conductor?Which class of fire involves liquified gases?Which class of fire involves wood?Which device is used to remove toxic waste?Which factor isolate the fire from oxygen by blanketing?Which fire extinguisher suitable for class "c" fire?Which fire extinguisher used for flammable liquid fires?Which is chemical Hazard?Which is medium energy conservation opportunities?Which is the major energy conservation opportunities?Which is the motive of occupational health and safety?Which is the occupational mechanical hazard?Which is toxic in the automobile workshop?Which of the following is a Biological hazard?Which of the following is harmful for human health?Which part of body is bleeding profusely is considered serious and need professional attention?Which type of energy conservation comes under the replacement of old machineries?Which type of energy conservation opportunity involves stopping of water leakage points?Which type of energy to minimize the waste without affecting production?Which type of occupational health hazards involves Toxic?Which type of personal protection recommended to handle loads with rough surfaces and pointed projections?Wrist of the human bodyWrong layout of machinery