Concept of load, stresses and strains
Tensile, compressive and shear stresses and strains
Concept of elasticity, elastic limit and limit of proportionality
- Hook’s law
- Young’s modulus of elasticity
- Nominal stress
- Yield point, plastic stage
- Strain hardening
- Ultimate strength and breaking stress
- Percentage elongation
- Proof stress and working stress
- Factor of safety
- Lateral strain, Poisson’s ratio
- Volumetric strain
- Shear modulus
- Strain energy due to direct stresses
- Proof resilience and modulus of resilience
Stresses due to gradual, sudden and falling load
- Longitudinal and circumferential stress in seamless thin walled cylindrical shells (derivation of these formulas not required)
Bending and shearing force
- Concept of beam, form of loading
- Concept of end-supports- roller, hinged and fixed
- Concept of bending moment and shearing force
- BF and SF diagram for cantilever and simply supported beam with and without overhang subjected to concentrated and uniformly distributed load (UDL)
Bending Stresses
- Concept of bending stresses
- Theory of simple bending
- Use of equation M/I = σ/y = E/R
- Concept of moment of resistance
- Bending stress diagram
- Calculation of maximum bending in beams of rectangular, circular and I section
- Permissible bending stress, section modulus for rectangular, circular and symmetrical I section
- Comparison between I, rectangular and circular section with regard to the strength
Slope and Deflection
- Simple cases of slope and deflection in simply supported beam with UDL over whole of the length and a point load at the center
- Cantilever with UDL on whole length and a point load at the end (without derivation)
- Simple problems
Laminated spring (Semi elliptical type only)
- Determination of number of plates
- Maximum bending stress and deflection
Combined direct and bending stresses
- Simple cases of short columns of uniform section subject to eccentric loading with stress diagram
- Concept of column, modes of failure
- Types of column
- Buckling load, crushing load
- Slenderness ratio
- Factors affecting strength of a column
- End restraints
- Effective length
- Strength of column by Euler formula without derivation
- Rankine Gordon formula (without derivation)
- Concept of torsion, difference between torque and torsion
- Derivation and use of torsion equation T/J = τ/R = Gθ/L for circular shaft
- Shear stress diagram for solid and hollow circular shaft
- Comparison between solid and hollow shaft with regard to their strength and weight
- Power transmitted by shaft
- Concept of mean and maximum torque
- Closed coiled helical springs subjected to axial load
- Stress deformation
- Stiffness and angle of twist and strain energy
- Failing load on springs
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